Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to Village Principles

    2. Village Premises

    3. The Three Principles

    4. Map Your Village, Map Yourself

    1. But What about Their Responsibility?

    2. I am the One for Me

    3. What About All My Emotions?

    4. I Am the One to Choose, Uphold, and Evaluate My Standards

    5. I am the One for Them

    6. But What about My Enemies?

    7. What About When I Want to Give Advice?

    1. What About the Hard Work Nobody Wants to Do?

    2. But HOW Do I End Obligation?

    3. Three P's of Prosperity

    1. Dependents Define a Civilization

About this course

  • $299.00
  • 15 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Live the ways of Devotional Community