Wanting is the one phase of the cycle where we can be arrested for days or months or years, our bodies literally in a holding pattern, before dropping into Receiving.
If your period is late and you aren't pregnant, it was actually a late ovulation, a drawing out of the follicular phase, the Wanting.
Receiving is conditional, not automatic. The context and practice of Wanting invites or repels the Receiving phase, and the most important piece of context is NOURISHMENT.
When women are undernourished or overperforming, their period stops, but what actually stops is their ovulation. They remain in the Wanting, waiting, a stasis just on the verge of Receiving, never quite getting there.
This happens in our metaphysical realities as well. Who among us has not experienced a project or achievement or partnership elude us, stretch ever farther away from our grasp, in our undernourished and desperate state?
Does it seem backwards, or like a catch-22 to think you must be resourced and nourished already to Receive?
Sadly, it is the way of things ALL over the place—the wet sponge greedily absorbs water which runs off the dry sponge.
That's why we do it little by little.
Receiving isn't something we turn on and off.
Instead we have an opportunity to recognize our receiving as an already-perfect, minuscule, ever-evolving practice we might then expand upon, applying the context to the places in life where we are stuck in perpetual Wanting.
I call it Precise Receiving. It's the antidote for black and white thinking, all or nothing thinking, the kind of thinking that assumes I see all that's available here, preventing me from Receiving what (of what is available) is truly FOR ME.
This is the weaving together of two of the phases of the Feminine Cycle, and there is SO much more in this nuanced framework which will give you actionable practices to bring to your life.
This course will explode your creative potential, help you understand what attracts that partner of your dreams and what drives them away, and most of all, arrive you in the place you imagine you'd be if you had "all the things." Peace with the ongoing process. It doesn't sound sexy, but I promise it is.
It's the way I date with an open heart and zero anxious thoughts.
It's the way I stand for my boundaries of love and comfort, never abandoning myself for a delusion of future reward.
It's the way I keep my business running without ever working.
It's the way I stay in play and pleasure with the ones I love, obeying my own exquisite standards about how I treat the ones I claim to care for.
This cycle is the ultimate key to tuning your life to resonate WITH your body, your cycle, your phases, the DYNAMIC SYSTEM that you are as a human being in a human body.
You were not meant to work at a steady rate, producing an ever-increasing number of widgets in an unchanging spectrum of light.
You were meant to be wild, energized and lethargic according to the seasons and conditions of your environment.
Get on board with the revolution of this cycle.